الجمعة، نوفمبر 06، 2009

A broken friendship, thank you
A broken promise
A tear falls
An unbelievable truth
Can this be you?

We were friends
It was a story destined to end
I never thought I can be without you
Thank you far making it happens

You were like an angel
I believed in you
Someone who will never strangle
The trust I had in you

I blamed my anger with you
I balmed myself for your mistakes
I apologised your sorries
All because I trusted you

I silenced everyone else's doubts
I only heard your voice
"No, you can never hurt me", I believed
Form a believer to a skeptic you turned me

You never accepted me
Always tried to change me
Thank God I saw that soon
Before I become lost & confused like you

It is funny after everything you have done
You blame me for walking away
Do you really think I should have stayed?!
Watch you crush my spirit every day?!

Thank you for opening my eyes
Before I drown in more lies
Thank you for hurting me,
This last time because it libertated me

A sad truth I must confess
I sometimes miss my friend
I think of the good memories
Then I cry to myself

Sadly, the bad memories attack
Like a heart attack
Erase the good memories & scream to me
"This friendship was a big mistake"

If you think I am angery, you are wrong
I just wasted a friendship I thought was strong
I am sorry for you
You lost me & trust me you will lose you

I shouldn't waste more paper on you
Let these be my last words to you
I am glad to say goodbye to you
And to the person I was because of you

I swear to you
If I can go back in time
I wouldn't have made you a friend

2 التعليقات:

sara draz يقول...

من منا لم يسلم من غدر الصديق
للاسف اصبحت ظاهرة طبيعية
للاسف كله بقى يقول يلا نفسى
بس اللى يغدر بيكى ميستاهلش دمعة
من دموعك
هيه صعبة
بس حاولى تنسى
واوعى تفتكرى ان كل الناس كده
اكيد فى ناس حلوة
وادعى ربنا انه يرزقك الصحبة الصالحة
وادعيلها ..ايوة متستغربيش ..ادعيلها
عشان صدقينى هتلاقى نفسك لسة بتحبيها
بس لما تروقى هتحسى بكده
واوعى تعامليها بالمثل
خليكى احسن منها وعامليها احسن
دا حتى العشرة مش بتهون الا على ولاد الحرام

انسانه يقول...

يرضالي عنك
صحيح محدش يستاهل
بس انا بحبها قوي
مكنتش اتوقع لكن الحمد لله

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